Exercises in quantum field theory and its applications

Lecturer: Mikko Laine
Period: Sep 18 - Dec 18, 2019
Venue: Wed 13 - 17 / B1
Credits: Sections 1-8 follow earlier scripts by Jean-Pierre Derendinger and Thomas Becher
Contents: 18.09.: Gaussian integrals  
25.09.: Integrals over Grassmann variables  
02.10.: Dirac algebra  
09.10.: Klein-Gordon, Maxwell and Proca equations  
16.10.: Lorentz transformation of spinor fields  
23.10.: Dirac equation and its plane-wave solution  
30.10.: Non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation  
06.11.: Relativistically invariant interaction Lagrangians  
13.11.: Wick's theorem and Feynman rules  
20.11.: Computation of matrix elements  
27.11.: Phase space integrals  
04.12.: Scatterings, decays and inverse decays in cosmology  
11.12.: Numerical integration of a Boltzmann equation