The files below contain data for sterile neutrino dark matter spectra for various pre-existing lepton asymmetries and neutrino Yukawa couplings, as specified in 1506.06752. The spectra have been normalized to the massless Fermi distribution nF(k) = 1/[exp(k/T) + 1].
More recently, in 1905.08814 and 2004.10766, we have verified that large enough lepton asymmetries can indeed be produced through the freeze-out and decays of heavier sterile neutrinos. Despite the more complicated dynamics of this multi-flavour system, the spectra of the dark matter sterile neutrinos did not change qualitatively.
The file names indicate the various "cases" considered in 1506.06752, as well as which of the active-sterile mixing angles was used. Three mixing angles were considered: "hlo" for sin2(2θ) = 2 * 10-11; "hmid" for sin2(2θ) = 7 * 10-11; "hhi" for sin2(2θ) = 20 * 10-11.
The files below contain instead the lepton asymmetries (normalized by entropy) Ya, for a=e,μ,τ, as a function of the temperature. The naming convention for the three mixing angles considered is the same as for the previous files
A set of
scripts that can be
used for reproducing these data can be found
More recent releases of the scripts can be found at
For illustration we also tabulate results for the case that several Yukawa couplings are non-zero simultaneously.