The files below contain data shown in figs. 1-3 of 1407.7955, for the dilepton (electron-positron and muon-antimuon) production rate from a 3-flavour QCD plasma in thermal equilibrium at a temperature 180 MeV - 1 GeV. In principle, these data can be inserted into a hydrodynamical code describing the evolution of the plasma generated in a heavy-ion collision experiment, and subsequently compared with experimental data (of course, non-thermal contributions would also need to be included in this comparison).
The file names indicate whether the strict NLO results from 1310.0164 (mesh_nlo.dat); the additional LPM contribution from fig.1 of 1407.7955 (mesh_lpm.dat); or the full interpolated results which include both NLO and LPM parts (mesh_full.dat) are shown.
The columns of the files are:
1: T / GeV
2: M / GeV
3: k / GeV
4: rate(e+e-)[GeVfm^-4]
5: rate(mu+mu-)[GeVfm^-4]
Here are the files:
For completeness, we also provide data from the work by Ghiglieri and Moore, who have determined the O(g) correction to the above result in the soft regime. This data should be added to mesh_full.dat for physical results. The grid is the same as in the above files, except that it is twice as fine in each direction. For more details concerning this data and the approximations it entails, please consult Jacopo Ghiglieri. Here is the file: