• What's new with the electroweak phase transition [abs, scr, ps (1.0Mb)]
    (Boulder, 18 July 1998; for the lattice community).
  • Materian synty varhaisessa maailmankaikkeudessa [scr, ps (0.5Mb)]
    (Helsinki, 10 August 1998; for imagined students).
  • Q-ball thermodynamics [abs, scr, ps (1.0Mb)]
    (Helsinki, 11 August 1998; a theory colloquium).
  • The electroweak phase diagram [scr, ps (0.2Mb)]
    (CERN, 19 May 1999; for heavy ion physicists).
  • Spontaneous CP-violation in 2HD models and the MSSM [scr, ps (0.2Mb)]
    (Tampere, 16 July 1999; for a general audience).
  • Vortex phases in condensed matter and cosmology [abs, scr, ps (4.0Mb)]
    (Trieste, 30 September 1999; for a general cosmology audience).
  • Primordial magnetic fields and the electroweak phase transition [scr, ps (2.0Mb)]
    (Aachen, 9 December 1999; a regular theory seminar).
  • Baryogenesis via the electroweak phase transition: the options remaining [abs, scr, ps (5.9Mb)]
    (CERN, 26 April 2000; a regular theory seminar).
  • The free energy of hot QCD [scr, ps (0.3Mb)]
    (Saclay, 22 November 2000; a regular theory seminar).
  • Finite temperature phase transitions in cosmology [scr, ps (0.4Mb)]
    (Gausdal, 10-11 January 2001; winter school lectures).
  • The electroweak phase diagram [abs, scr, ps (0.3Mb)]
    (Bielefeld, 24 April 2001; a colloquium).
  • Thermal phase transitions in cosmology [abs, scr, ps (0.3Mb)]
    (Rovaniemi, 30 August 2001; for a general cosmology audience).
  • Aineen rakenteen standardimalli [abs, ps (0.1Mb), SyncOMat, SMIL]
    (CERN, 19 February 2002; for high school students).
  • Finite baryon density effects on gauge field dynamics [audio, video, html & pdf]
    (Santa Barbara, 23 May 2002; for heavy ion physicists).
  • The effective theory approach to hot QCD thermodynamics [scr, ps (0.2Mb)]
    (Heidelberg, 3 October 2002; for an expert audience).
  • The pressure of hot/dense QCD [abs, ps (0.5Mb)]
    (CERN, 12 March 2003; a regular theory seminar).